Welcome to CBCMSB
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei (CBCMSB) are to enable the Bishops of this Region to exercise jointly their episcopal ministry in the collegial spirit of collaboration in promoting that greater good which the Church offers to humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate fittingly adapted to the circumstances of time and place.
The objectives of CBCMSB are:
- To foster a spirit of communion, co-responsibility, coordination and cooperation among the Bishops of the Region.
- To take joint action on the promotion and safeguard of faith and morals, on the translation of liturgical books, on the formation and on-going formation of priests, on the preparation of catechetical books, on the promotion of God’s Word, on ecumenical and inter-religious relations, and on the promotion of human life and rights, etc.
- To enable the Bishops of the Region to act jointly on matters of common concern and on matters pertaining to the good of the Church and Society.
- To establish and foster relations with the Dicasteries of the Apostolic See and other Catholic Bishops’ Conferences.