#newsletter n.12 – 12/2021
The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops wishes all its readers a Holy Christmas.
Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean
(Mexico City, 21-28 November 2021)
This week was marked by this Ecclesial Assembly on the theme All of us are outgoing missionary disciples. Find out more about this important Church event.
The text on Discernment is available in English.
Listening to people with disabilities

Pray for the Synod
In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it…
#newsletter n.9 – 11/2021
Share your story!
Are you witnessing or living a particular synodal experience? Do you think you have experienced a good practice and want to share it? Fill in the attached form and send it to
If your story appears to be original or considered a good practice, we will publish it in our next newsletter and who knows… maybe even in VaticanNews!
We are all in the one boat!
The Synodal Pathway launch in Dublin: a diocesan story
Taking the image of the boat as mentioned in the official preparatory documents the liturgical space within the Cathedral was shaped in the form of a boat. The bow of the boat faced towards the Cathedral door emphasising mission and outreach to the peripheries.
Read the full story.
Synodal spirituality
We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover the Franciscan spirituality.
“The process of discernment never starts from abstract questions (at the table), but from concrete provocations of life, from inspirations and thoughts that arise in the encounter between the needs and provocations of life and the sincere and deep desire to be pleasing to God and to do his will.”.
(From the Franciscan Spirituality by fr. Giulio Cesareo, OFM Conv)
The Synod in the world
We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities.
“Pray, reflect, discuss and share your experiences, insights and desires. Do it with the freedom of those who piace their trust in God and are thus able to overcome timidity, a sense of inferiority or worse stili, reproaches and complaints, Let it be done in all simplicity, moved by the Holy Spirit, avoiding arrogance, without presumption but always having a sense of co-responsibility”.
(From the letter of Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, 23 July 2021)
Listening to people with disabilities

Feel like singing?
By popular demand, we offer you the Hymn of the Synodal Way of India with the lyrics so that you too can sing …
At the top of your lungs!
Pray for the Synod
In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it…
#newsletter n.8 – 20/2021
For a synodal Church:
the contribution of Consecrated Life
From 24 to 26 November, the Union of Superiors General (USG) – the international organisation of Superiors General of men’s Religious Institutes or Societies of Apostolic Life – will hold its 96th General Assembly focusing mainly on Consecrated Life and Synodality (see programme).
As we await the results of their discussions, let us invoke the Spirit of the Lord to enlighten their work. Have a good synodal meeting!

Synodal spirituality
We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover the Salesian spirituality.
“Listening, sincere and open dialogue, discernment in the Holy Spirit, prayer, planning and shared formation can foster a journey “together” and the construction of an inclusive “we” in view of the mission.“
The Synod in the world
We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities.
“To ensure that the synodal church is not a mirage, but rather a dream to be realized, it is necessary to dream together, to pray together, and to work together ”.
(From the letter of Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, 23 July 2021)
Synod on Synodality – All You Need to Know
Directly from our brothers and sisters in India a nice video (only in English) which explain what is the Synod on Synodality.
The Goose Game: a teamwork
Finally, the English version of the Goose Game proposed by the diocese of Palencia (Spain) is now available in French, Italian, Portuguese, and Dutch too thanks to all who have collaborated. Click here to download the game.

Card. Grech to the Bishops of USCCB
Press Communiqué of the Secretariat General for the Synod of Bishops
Vatican City, 18 November 2021
On the occasion of the USCCB Fall General Assembly, Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General for the Synod of Bishops sent a video-message to the US bishops gathering in these day in Baltimore.
“Do not be afraid to tell us frankly what you have gathered from listening to your people about what the Spirit is saying to the Church: to your Church and to the whole Church” Cardinal Grech told the US Bishops. “In this logic of the exchange of gifts among the Churches, every contribution to the understanding of the Synodal Church is important. Contrary to what many assume, there are no written conclusions; there is no desire to impose a line of thinking. There is a willingness to listen to the Spirit in listening to one another. Nor do we think that there are positions that are worth more than others. The will of the Secretariat is to encourage listening at all levels of the life of the Church and to itself engage in this process of listening in order to discover the voice of the Living God”
After deepening the meaning of sinodality which needs “an authentic ethic of listening” and “demands a willingness on the part of all to give up strongly held positions and goals, and to adopt a culture of dialogue and collective decision making”, the Secretary General for the Synod focused on the theological category of the People of God stressing the importance of the “reciprocity of relationship.”
Card. Grech concluded his video message by mentioning the five nationwide Encuentro experiences as a best practice. The primary objective the Encuentro was “to discern pastoral practices and priorities in order to improve the quality of ministry among Hispanic/Latino Catholics, under the leadership of the U.S. Bishops”
See the Video (ENGLISH ONLY)
Transcription of the Video-Message of Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General for the Synod of Bishops to the Bishops of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops gathering in Baltimore for their General Assembly (English Version – Italian Version – Spanish Version)

Feel like singing?
Listen to a synod hymn by artist Merlin Dsouza, one of India’s leading music directors, composer and pianist, has a wide range of work in theatre, concerts, films (Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham).
Find out more about Merlin Dsouza and … sing with her!
Promoting a time of listening and discernment
We present today the Document for Community Discernment for the First Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean (soon available in other languages).
Synodal Reports
Wanting to share a brief report with all synodal “fathers and mothers”, look at the example of the Church in Laos and Cambodia!
Pray for the Synod
In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it…
#newsletter n.7 – 10/2021
The ecumenical dimension
of the synodal process
In a joint letter of 28 October 2021, Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Cardinal Mario Grech, General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, addressed the Bishops responsible for ecumenism in their Episcopal Conferences and Synods of the Oriental Catholic Churches.
The two Cardinals trust that the “ecumenical dimension of the synodal process will promote both synodality and Christian unity so that ‘all may believe’ (John 17,21)”.
“Indeed, both synodality and ecumenism are processes of ‘walking together’ ”. In fact, “as ecumenism can be understood as an ‘exchange of gifts’, one of the gifts Catholics can receive from the other Christians is precisely their experience and understanding of synodality”.
(From the letter of cardinals Grech and Koch)
The Synod in the world
We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities. Be inspired: come and see!
Synod and Synodality: Theological Approaches New Course at the Pontifical Gregorian University
The synodal process also challenges theology to deepen what is a “constitutively synodal Church”, in order to integrate visions and skills, experiences and concerns, tradition and readings to the “signs of the times”.
The Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Gregorian University is launching a course on “synod” and “synodality”. In 12 meetings, the professors will address the topic from different angles.
The aim is to create a wide space for listening and sharing among the participants, both in the classroom and online, thus implementing the synodal process and developing a truly synodal style in theology.
Synodal spirituality
We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover the Benedictine spirituality.
“The practice of listening “with the ear of the heart” sets in motion a pathway to authentic discernment of the will of God.”

Extension of the deadline of first phase of the synodal Process
Press Communiqué of the Secretariat General for the Synod of Bishops
Vatican, 29 October 2021
The numerous communications we have received in these first weeks of the synodal process from the Episcopal Conferences, dioceses and eparchies are truly an encouraging confirmation of those in the Church who are committed to celebrating the first phase of the synodal process — the theme of which is For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission — constituted by the consultation of the People of God. For all this we are truly grateful.
During this period, we have heard, over and over again and from many quarters, the request to extend the duration of the first phase of the synodal process in order to provide a greater opportunity for the people of God to have an authentic experience of listening and dialogue.
Aware that a synodal Church is a Church that listens, considering that this first phase is essential for this synodal path and evaluating these requests, and always seeking the good of the Church, the Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops has decided to extend until August 15, 2022 the deadline for the presentation of the summaries of the consultations by the Episcopal Conferences, the Oriental Catholic Churches sui iuris and other ecclesial bodies.
The Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops has decided to extend until August 15, 2022 the deadline for the presentation to the General Secretariat of the Bishops of the summaries of the consultations by the Episcopal Conferences, the Oriental Catholic Churches sui iuris and other ecclesial bodies.
Augustinian Spirituality (Unitas in Caritas)
Fr. Joseph Farrell, OSA, Vicar General
Dominican Spirituality
Fr. Benjamin Earl, OP, Procurator General
#newsletter n.6 – 10/2021
As we walk together,
together we learn…
Consultation of the People of God
In addition to the official documents of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops (Preparatory Document and Vademecum) now available in several other languages, there are several episcopal conferences, dioceses and ecclesial bodies that have developed their own tools and methodologies to promote an authentic participatory and inclusive listening time.
This is the case of the Leadership Roundtable (United States), the PastaTalk of the diocese of Lucerne (Switzerland) or the tools developed by the diocese of Palencia (Spain) to teach synodality among children. More examples are available here.
Pray for the Synod
The Synod is first and foremost a spiritual experience. In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it...
Synodal Spirituality
We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover Augustinian and Dominican spirituality.
The Synod in the world
We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities.
Be inspired: come and see!
#newsletter n.5 – 10/2021
The Synod in the world
We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities.
Be inspired: come and see!
I want to say again that the Synod is not a parliament or an opinion poll; the Synod is an ecclesial event and its protagonist is the Holy Spirit.
If the Spirit is not present, there will be no Synod.
(Pope Francis, Address of 09.10.2021)
Pray for the Synod
The Synod is first and foremost a spiritual experience. Without the support of the Holy Spirit, discernment risks falling into ideology, at the mercy of emotions or passing trends. It is the Spirit who ensures the goodness of community discernment at the basis of the Sensus Fidei.
In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod
Help us support the synod with prayer by contacting your local monastic community and handing them the Second Letter of Cardinal Mario Grech to the monastic communities.
Of course you are all invited to send your prayer intentions. Thanks to the RSS feed, you will be able to integrate Prayforthesynod into your site. See how to do it…
Listening, you say?
We continue our in-depth study of listening in monastic communities. Today we present the video of the Carmelite sisters of the Monastery of Our Lady of Brazzaville (Democratic Republic of Congo). Three generations tell us how to pray and listen in a community.
Suggestions for the synodal path: Synodal Spirituality
On 1 July 2021, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops organised an international study day on the theme of Spiritualities for Synodality. Representatives of different religious families and lay movements were invited to share experiences and reflections of their own spirituality and to gather their views and practices for a spirituality of synodality and community discernment.
The aim was also to initiate a process to elaborate a vision of a spirituality of synodality and best practices that could help the synodal process for the synod.
We will periodically publish contributions from this day’s work.
We begin today with a small contribution from James Grummer SJ, of the Department of Spirituality at the Pontifical Gregorian University.

The ‘synodal process’ has started. What now?
#newsletter n.4 – 10/2021
To all of you who participated, in presence or from a distance, in the events of the Opening of the Synodal Process, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops wishes a joyful and festive opening of this synodal time in your dioceses.
To the continental, national and diocesan contact persons, we wish strength for you work and assure you the support of our prayers. Send us your videos, photos, … of the opening to at or via whatsapp at +39 351 9348474.
And don’t forget to use the following tags
#synod #listeningchurch #walkingtogether
To the members of the commissions of the General Secretariat goes our heartfelt thanks for your hard work.
Although the path is long and hidden, it will also be full of beautiful surprises. Thank you for your service!
Opening Mass
Sunday, 10 October 2021
Recorded Mass
Press Kit
DOWNLOAD all the information concerning the opening of the synodal process (9-10 October 2021)
#newsletter n.3 – 10/2021
Opening of the Synodal Journey
Pope Francis will officially open the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican with the celebration of the Eucharist at St Peter’s Basilica (Sunday 10 October), preceded by a moment of reflection in the Synod’s New Hall (Saturday 9 October).
Click to read the programme for the Moment of Reflection on Saturday 9 October.
Saturday’s plenary session and Sunday’s Holy Mass will be broadcast live by Vatican Media.
Communication Toolkit
The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops provides a series of elements to promote participation and communication around the Synodal Journey of the Church.
Through this Google Drive link it will be possible to download a series of templates for posters, leaflets, prayer, presentation powerpoints….
Special Social Media Toolkit
The “Young Social Network Facilitators”, a project of the Media Commission in cooperation with the Dicastery for Communication, have developed a colourful Social Media Toolkit.
We recommend that you read their “Official Guide to Content Creation and Digital Accompaniment” carefully before jumping straight into templates. Happy reading.
We offer some clarifications on the objectives of the Liturgical Celebration to open the diocesan phase of the synodal journey together with some ideas and general suggestions for its implementation and animation.
We present some suggestions on the role of the Bishops’ Conference in the diocesan phase; its objectives in the synodal process; the synodal meeting of the Bishops’ Conference and much more – Resource for Episcopal Conferences.
On Saturday, 18 September, Pope Francis met and gave a memorable address to the faithful of the diocese of Rome on synodality and the meaning of the synodal path. Full speech available only in Italian or Read the VaticanNews article
#newsletter n.1 – 09/2021 – Available also in FR – IT – PT – ES
The Church of God is convened in Synod: a time of listening, dialogue and discernment that the whole Church intends to carry out over the next two years in order to better respond to its mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the entire world. These Litterae communionis (Letters of Communion) of the General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops want to resume the ancient Christian tradition of sending epistolae among the Churches as an instrument of sharing and communion.
Accompanying this journey of the Church in a synodical manner also means informing and sharing the joys, hopes and good practices of our communities. So: Set out on the road too and share this newsletter with your friends!
Download the
Preparatory Document for the synodal journey!
Download the guide for listening and discernment
Simplified version of the prayer Adsumus Sancte Spiritus
Synod of Bishops will begin in the local Churches
In October, Pope Francis will open a three-year synodal journey with three phases (diocesan, continental, universal) of consultations and discernment, culminating with the assembly in October 2023 in Rome.
For further information, visit: