Meeting of FABC on ecumenical dimension of synodal process

On Wednesday 12 January 2021, the Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs (OEIA) of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, organized an online meeting on the ecumenical dimension of the synodal process.

Adsumus, Sancte Spiritus Prayer of invocation to the Holy Spirit for an ecclesial assembly of governance or discernment (thus synodal)

Vademecum for the Synod on Synodality Official Handbook for Listening and Discernment in Local Churches

First Phase [October 2021 April 2022]
in Dioceses and Bishops’ Conferences
Leading up to the Assembly of Bishops in Synod in October 2023



Chit-Chat with the Diocese of Penang

Synod on Synodality

Dear People of God in the Diocese of Penang,
Pope Francis is reaching out to you. He wants to listen to your feedback which is important for the growth of the Church.

We encourage you to participate in this process.





Penang Diocese Pre-Synod Team

Synodality: What Is That? 
by Bishop Sebastian Francis

Synod Resources

Visit the to download the latest resources, videos and materials.

Message for Synod of Bishops 2021-2023

Click to view the videos on the(BM, English, Mandarin, Tamil)



The Faith Perspective

A conversation with Professor Christina Kheng on how we can journey together during the Synodal Process. Christina Kheng is a Singaporean layperson who teaches Pastoral Leadership at the East Asian Pastoral Institute in Manila. She’s been named by Pope Francis to be part of the Commission on Methodology supporting the Synod’s General Secretariat.


CatholicSG Radio Podcast Player

Apple Podcasts

Synod of Bishops 2021-2023

You may stay tuned to the channel on participation of this Synod and visit for more information.



Brunei Synod Webpage

Visit the Brunei Synod Webpage for updates.

Opening Mass for the Synod of Bishops in Local Churches

Sunday, 17 October 2021, 7.30am
Recorded Mass from the Apostolic Vicariate in Brunei Darussalam



2021   |   No.1   |   No. 2   |   No.3   |   No.4   |   No.5   |   No.6   |   No.7   |   No.8   |   No.9   |   No.10   |   No.11   |   No.12

2022   |   No.1/22   |   No.2/22   |    No.3/22   |   No.4/22   |    No.5/22

 Press Release Jan 2022   |   PR Feb/22/1    |    PR Feb/22/2   |   PR Feb/22/3

The Synodal Process: an initial assessment – 23.02.2022

Cardinal Grech to American university students: “Be wise, ask the right questions”!

Video message of the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops on the occasion of the synodal meeting “Building Bridges” between Pope Francis and university students from across the American continent
You have a future, you have a vision, you have a project and I assume that you have also your fears whether you will see your dreams, your visions completed. But please you need to be wise and […] the key for wisdom is to put the right questions “. This is what Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, says in a video message to the university students of the American continent who will gather tomorrow, 24 February at 12 noon (CST), at Loyola University in Chicago to hold the synodal meeting entitled “Building Bridges”.
“And this exercise is taking place in a particular moment of the life of the Church. The Church is convoked in a synod. What does this mean? That the Church is listening to the questions of the People of God. The Church itself is making questions. So I really hope that this exercise will also contribute to this synodal process of the Church”. He concludes with an appeal “You can take part more directly in this synodal exercise, in this first phase which we call the consultation phase by taking part in this process in your particular Churches”.
The meeting is promoted by Loyola University of Chicago with the collaboration of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. The organisation was entrusted to the Hank Centre for Catholic Intellectual Heritage, the Institute of Pastoral Studies and the Department of Theology at Loyola University. University students representing the entire American continent will participate, but anyone can register through the following link
The meeting will be streamed live in Spanish, English and Portuguese at the following address:

The full video message is available in English at this address:


The Synodal Process: an initial assessment – 07.02.2022

The Synodal Process: an initial assessment

On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, the XV Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops met in person and online. The following items were at the center of their work: a progress report on the synodal process around the world and the articulation of criteria for the “reports” prepared by Dioceses, Episcopal Conferences, the Synods of Eastern Churches and other ecclesial bodies.
About three months after the opening of the synodal process, the Ordinary Council expressed great satisfaction with the headway being made by the process at the local level. Close to 98% of the Episcopal Conferences and Synods of Eastern Churches worldwide have appointed a person or an entire team to implement the synodal process. The Ordinary Council’s assessment was bolstered by the results that emerged from exchanges during some 15 online meetings with synod appointees from around the world organized by the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops from November-December in 2021.
The Synodal Process at the Global Level
The Church is on the move! Dioceses Both the laity (organized or not) and consecrated life in particular are showing great enthusiasm, which is being translated into a myriad of initiatives promoting consultation and ecclesial discernment. This is confirmed by the numerous testimonies received by the General Secretariat from all over the world, some of which are published periodically on the website In addition to being a reasons for hope, they are also a sign that the Holy Spirit is at work. Those who have experienced this synodal process in action testify to an experience that brings joy and speak of a true transformation in their feeling of belonging to an ecclesial community.
In general, the timing, the modalities employed in the consultation, and the participation of the People of God vary from region to region. The synodal process has been particularly welcomed with joy and enthusiasm in several African, Latin American, and Asian countries. In places where a diocesan or national synodal process was already underway or about to begin, the two synodal dynamics have been successfully harmonized. The extension of the listening phase of the People of God has been particularly appreciated.
The documents published by the General Secretary have been well received, and commendable efforts have been made to translate them at the local level. In some countries, this task is further complicated by multiplicity of local languages and the distances between ecclesial communities.
The ecumenical dimension has been well integrated and follows the indications suggested in the joint letter of October 29 written by Cardinal Koch and Cardinal Grech. Even on the part of the other Christian confessions there is a certain enthusiasm and desire to contribute to the synodal journey undertaken by the Catholic Church. The interreligious dimension has become a natural part of this process in countries where Christians are in the minority.
A consistent effort has been made to promote communication through various media and online platforms. Many Dioceses and Episcopal Conferences have provided websites and social network pages recount the journey within their own realities. For its part, in addition to the institutional website, the General Secretariat communicates through a variety of instruments, such as a weekly newsletter, a website to collect experiences and resources produced at the local level ( and a prayer site for the synod ( created together with the Pope’s World Prayer Network and the International Union of Superiors General.
Many of the faithful perceive the synodal process as a crucial moment in the Church’s life, as a learning process as well as an opportunity for conversion and renewal of ecclesial life. At the same time, various difficulties have also emerged. In fact, fears and reticence are reported among some groups of the faithful and among the clergy. There is also a certain mistrust among the laity who doubt that their contribution will really be taken into consideration.
Furthermore, the current pandemic has constituted a significant obstacle, limiting the ability to meet in person. The consultation of the People of God cannot be reduced to a mere questionnaire because the real challenge of synodality is, precisely, mutual listening and communal discernment.
Other recurring challenges are: 1) the need for formation, especially in listening and discernment so that the Synod is authentically a spiritual process and not reduced to a parliamentary debate; 2) avoiding the temptation to be self-referential in group meetings so that this mutual listening, which finds its foundation in prayer and listening to the Word of God, will lead to opening ourselves to others with a view to proclaiming the Gospel. A synodal church is a missionary church where every single baptized person feels co-responsible for the mission of the Church; 3) finding ways to improve the participation of young people; 4) involving those who live on the margins of ecclesial institutions; 5) the reluctance of some clergy.
In summary, while it seems that the novelty of the synodal process has given rise to much joy and dynamism, a number of uncertainties must also be addressed. There is growing awareness that the synodal conversion to which all the baptized are called is a lengthy process that will prolong itself well beyond 2023. The desire all over the world is this synodal journey which has begun at the local level continue this journey well beyond Synod 2021-2023 so that tangible signs of synodality might increasingly be manifest as constitutive of the Church.
Note for the preparation of reports
In response to the numerous requests received by the General Secretariat, a Note is being prepared for Dioceses and Episcopal Conferences regarding how they are to prepare the “reports” that they will submit to the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. It is a tool at the service of the various ecclesial realities that will be engaged in the coming months in drawing up the results of their ecclesial discernment. The note proposes the idea that the drafting of the report is itself an act of discernment, i.e. the fruit of a spiritual process and teamwork.
Download the text in PDF

Statement of Cardinal Mario Grech Secretary General – 05.02.2022


The Spirit continues to overflow from the Amazon two years after Querida Amazonia

It has been two years since the publication of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Querida Amazonia (QA) on February 2, 2020. Today, after the many responses to which this document has given rise in both ecclesial and civil spheres, the following observation can be made with certainty: the two most essential elements within this Exhortation are the lives of the peoples that are embodied therein and the promise made as a Church to respect and honor their voices in search of a genuine conversion.

Taking steps in this direction takes time. We have seen that seeds planted throughout this Synodal process reached a turning point with the presentation of Querida Amazonia. Some seeds are still in the process of germination, others have not borne fruit, but many have grown, are flourishing, and will continue to give life for generations to come. In all of this, Querida Amazonia remains as relevant now as it was then. It continues to be a love letter written for and with the People of God who are on pilgrimage in this beautiful and threatened territory; it abides as a letter emanating from Pope Francis’ gratitude for the power with which the Holy Spirit burst forth from this theological place (locus) to illuminate and awaken the heart of the world and that of the Church.

This letter includes the four dreams of Pope Francis and the Church that cannot be put off. These dreams (social, cultural, ecological and ecclesial) embody a revival of Vatican Council II’s most profound invitations, making QA a means by which the Church might be led to an integral synodal conversion to which Synod 2021-2023 invites us. Since its publication, God continues to manifest Himself amidst this territory’s sacred mystery in the lives of its peoples and in the testimony of an incarnate Church, at once holy and sinful. God is manifesting Himself here regardless of the fear of some to change, or the desire of others to impose an ideological view.

During the preparation for Synod on the Amazon, Pope Francis said: “the periphery is the center”. This statement can be understood to reflect a fundamental Gospel element which might shed light on the two years that have passed since the presentation of Querida Amazonia. That which used to be discarded or secondary in this territory has become a cornerstone, healing a broken world and creating new possibilities for the Church. This “way”, where the marginalized become a source of life, is proper to the very way of Jesus. Voices from the Amazon territory (their direct participation) are changing pastoral model for the Amazonian Church, becoming a source of renewed life for the Church and the world.

The exercise of listening to this territory and of effectively incorporating these voices in determining ecclesial projects has strengthened the Church so that the disciples of Christ might increasingly grow into being true subjects of their own history. Today, we cannot speak of Synodality without the effective participation of the holy faithful People of God. This awareness is a source of life and inspiration for Synod 2021-2023, For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission.

That the Holy Father would canonically establish (ad experimentum) the Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA) is but one fruit of the Synod on the Amazon and Querida Amazonia, opening a new path for the Amazonian Church’s pilgrim and missionary discipleship. CEAMA articulates the regional structures of the Church including the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council (CELAM), the Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious men and women (CLAR), CARITAS of Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Pan-Amazon Ecclesial Network (REPAM).

At the moment, commissions and working groups are taking on some of the most urgent tasks that Querida Amazonia proposed for the Church’s mission. These commissions and working groups include the direct participation of diverse voices within the Church. In this way these commissions are a means by important Synodal proposals are guided and developed in an organic synodal way,

The breath of the Spirit of God coming forth from the Christ’s presence in the Amazonian Church continues to inspire and challenge us through the overflow of many fruits and gifts. On this 2nd Anniversary of Querida Amazonia, this breath of God’s Spirit continues to generate new life for the good of the Church.

Download the text in PDF

With her song “Poetas Sociales” the Catholic singer-songwriter Majo Febe, a student of Theology at the Theological Institute of Murcia (Spain), began the publication of a series of songs about synodality.

Listen to her here

The Diocese of Ipiales recorded a song for the synodical journey with musical groups from Colombia to attract young people who do not participate in the life of the Church.

The largest parish in the Catholic Archdiocese of Karachi, in the financial center of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is preparing for a new synod meeting Feb. 24.

Read more…

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

We need You !

In the near future, we would like to focus on the priests and their contribution in this synodal journey. Share with us the experiences of priests who have allowed themselves to be transformed by listening and who sit with the people of God on the journey of discerning God’s will for the Church.

#newsletter n.05 – 02/2022 

Our newsletter is more musical than usual. Because if singing is praying twice, this week we went in search of songs and hymns written to enliven the synodical process. What joy and creativity we found! Let’s listen.

Singing Synodality

Listen, let us listen” is the title of the hymn that the Antilles Bishops’ Conference shares with us through the website it developed specifically to encourage the synodal journey we are on. The authors are from the Diocese of St. George’s, Grenada.

The Synod in the World

The Loyola University of Chicago is inviting the university students of the Americas to participate in a synodal encounter with Pope Francis. The name of the online event on February 24 comes with a challenge: “Building Bridges North-South“. 

For more information…

In the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, a participatory synod process is taking place through the pastoral action of the Salesian community, the Missionary Sisters of Charles de Foucauld, and the Jesuit Refugee Service. Take a look at their Lumko Method and read some testimonies.

To know more…

The person in charge of WYD in Lisbon, Bishop Américo Aguiar, speaks about the connection between the Synod and WYD. 

Read more…

What do the young people say about their experience of the synodal process?
How do they collaborate in their respective realities?
How do they live their relationships and mission?
What are their hopes for this ecclesial journey? We listen to them.

Find out more…

God is love

“Love is the one who prays, love is the one who seeks,
love is the one who calls, love is the one who finds, love is the one who abides.”

Making these words of St. Augustine our own,
we walk together as a contemplative Church
with one heart and one soul in God, to communicate the joy of the Gospel.
Mary Mother of the Church, pray for us. Amen.

Itzela Rodriguez, Monastery of the Augustinian Mothers
of St. Joseph, Chitre-Panama


Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

The synodal process turns the ecclesiastical pyramid upside down, according to a team from the synod of the Parish of Clare Priory in Suffolk (England).

We need You !

The reality of migrants and displaced persons is of particular concern to the ecclesial community. Share with us the experiences of participation of migrants in the synodal journey of your local reality or an organization that you may know.

#newsletter n.04 – 02/2022 

We focus on young people, on their hope, present and future. Pope Francis asks young people not only to be free and authentic, but also the critical conscience of society (Homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King, 2021). We have been looking, in the context of the Synod, at how young people are responding to this call of the Pope.

Sinodality and the young people

The Loyola University of Chicago is inviting the university students of the Americas to participate in a synodal encounter with Pope Francis. The name of the online event on February 24 comes with a challenge: “Building Bridges North-South“. 

For more information…

The Focolare Movement has entrusted the animation of the synodal journey of the young people to Teo and Kery, two friendly characters who dialogue with the young people on the theme of the synod.

To know more…

The young people of the Archdiocese of Lima work together from the Youth Pastoral on the Synod on Synodality. The song “Levántate” – “Arise”, has become their anthem. Listen and you will see how catchy its lyrics are. Find out more…

The Synod in the World

In India, two consultation questionnaires have been developed to involve religious communities and promote parish/diocesan consultation. 

Read more…


An International Symposium entitled “For a Fundamental Theology of the Priesthood”, promoted by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, and the Center for Research and Anthropology of Vocations, will be held in the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican from February 17-19. 

To know more…

The AMECEA -Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa- has created a website and a Facebook profile to provide information on celebrations, events, experiences, ideas, and reflections and to be a place for discussion. Now, this tool focuses on the synodal process in Africa. Read more…

The Archdiocese of San Fernando, Pampanga in the Philippines is promoting the Diocesan consultation phase through a website, entitled Mákiramdam, which translates “to listen” and “to feel” in the local language Kapampangan.

To know more…

Share our story!

Are you witnessing or living a particular synodal experience? Do you think you have experienced a good practice and want to share it? Fill in the attached form and send it to
If your story appears to be original or considered a good practice, we will publish it in our next newsletter and who knows… maybe even in VaticanNews!

Religious missionaries of the Divine Word hope that the Synod will serve “to live the synodal experience in their life and mission wherever they are carrying out their missionary presence”.

For more information…

With a new web portal, the UISG launches the theme of its next Plenary Assembly EMBRACE VULNERABILITY IN THE SYNODAL PATH, which will take place in three different moments.

The first begins with  online meetings from March 14 to April 4. The second in Rome, from May 2-6, and …..

With his book, Salvatore Cernuzio sheds light on a serious problem within the female consecrated life: the abuse of power, of conscience or sexual abuse within orders, monasteries, and institutes, which leads women and girls to put out the fire of their vocation and to abandon the religious path they have undertaken, even after years. It is they themselves, nuns, or former nuns, who are about to leave or have already left what for years was their “home”, who relate what they have suffered…. Read more

How to listen to the poorest in the Synod process? The Centre Sévres of Paris has prepared a tool for attentive and fraternal listening so that everyone can have a voice.

For more information…

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

We need You !

Consecrated Life and Young People are fresh air that moves the Church around the world, and therefore a fundamental element in this Synod. 

Share with us the experience of your consecrated life or youth organization in this synodal process, to share it with other experiences and narratives in Synod Resources.

#newsletter n.03 – 01/2022 

Did you know that, following Pope Francis’ message for the 26th World Day for Consecrated Life, the Prefect and Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life invited us to reflect on the word “participation” linked to the synodal process? In response to the call, we wanted to know how consecrated persons participate in the synod. We share some of the many materials that we received from all around the world.

Sinodality and Consecrated Life

The Pope Video

For religious sisters and consecrated women

Via the Pope’s WoVia the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer):

“Will religious life enter this path, as it is, few in number, humble, with a future without guarantees? However, the religious reminds us that consecrated life “is the bearer of a great evangelical adventure open to the future and to the breath of the Spirit. It is a demanding and exciting task, a long-term process of conversion.

Anne-Marie Grapton, secretary general of Corref (religious of France)
Read more in French…

Letter to the consecrated

Cardinal Mario Grech and Cardinal Joâo Braz De Aviz addressed the consecrated life in a letter in which the indicate some ways to participate in the synodal process.
Read more…

Cardinal Braz de Aviz and Archbishop Rodriguez Carballo, in charge of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA), write a letter to the consecrated people of the world inviting them to participate in the Synod, underlining belongingness and co-responsibility.

The Synod in the World

AMECA (Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa) and the Jesuits Conference of Africa and Madagascar, are providing resources that will enable the local churches in Africa to engage fruitfully in the synodal process.

Read more…

The Maronite Diocese of Antelias in Lebanon and the Bishops’ Conference of India use creative means to encourage the synodal journey and answer the fundamental questions: What is a synod, what are the differences between one synod and the other? Read More…

In silence, we listen

We come to you, Oh God,
in silence to listen with the ear of the heart 
to the indwelling voice of your Holy Spirit.

We pray for unity of all the poor,
the voiceless, the marginalized and all of those who are excluded.
Gift our bishops with open hearts and ears
to hear the Church, the people of God,
with wisdom, knowledge, patience and courage. Amen.

St. Scholastica Monastery – USA

Share our story!

Are you witnessing or living a particular synodal experience? Do you think you have experienced a good practice and want to share it? Fill in the attached form and send it to
If your story appears to be original or considered a good practice, we will publish it in our next newsletter and who knows… maybe even in VaticanNews!

Radio continues to play a significant role in raising awareness and promoting the Synodal process in Africa. This situation came alive recently as Radio Tumaini – a Catholic Radio station for the Archdiocese of Mombasa in Kenya hosted a panel of discussants

Young people and disability

Cristina Santiago Lizcano, a hospitaller religious sister, talks about how moved young people are when they come into contact with young people with mental illness.

For more information…

Synod as in a choir

Pope Francis, on the 56th World Communications Day, defined the synodal process as a “great occasion of mutual listening” and “not the result of strategies and program”…

For more information…

Two surveys and a booklet “to print and use”

A digital newspaper invited its readers to respond to two surveys on the Synod of Bishops.

For more information…

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

Spot the Difference! … with the Logo

Last December we published our logo with an important difference, which has given rise to a contest.

Continue to read…

We need You !

Consecrated Life and Young People are fresh air that moves the Church around the world, and therefore a fundamental element in this Synod. 

Share with us the experience of your consecrated life or youth organization in this synodal process, to share it with other experiences and narratives in Synod Resources.

#newsletter n.02 – 01/2022 

In this week’s newsletter, the protagonists are our brothers and sisters with special needs and how to involve them more in the synodal process. We are happy to be able to share stories and narratives from around the world as we continue to journey together.

Sinodality and disabilities

Special resources for special people

The departments of pastoral care with persons with disabilities of the Archdioceses of Newark and Washington, in the United States, are preparing various materials intended for persons with disabilities, so that all those who wish to contribute to the ecclesial discernment to which they are called, can participate in the synod. The different proposals are available in the space dedicated to the Synod of Bishops on the web pages of each archdiocese, with materials in English and Spanish.

Evanize Andrade stressed the importance of the person with a disability walking towards God to accept and overcome his or her condition.

The Synod in the World

Don’t miss out on participating!

Your parish does not organize a synodal meeting? Don’t worry. offers you hundreds of possibilities to find a place. The website is designed to facilitate the participation of the faithful in the United States, with the support of the Jesuits of Canada and the U.S. Get involved!

Various resources

Various materials about the Synod are coming from France, Scotland, and Colombia: videos, articles, blogs, interviews, etc.

For more information…

Listen with the ear of your heart

Listen with the ear of your heart and hear the voice of God,
calling us to respond creatively and share the gifts we have.

Brothers and sisters, we are all one family,
building God’s Kingdom here on earth today.
Living the message of the Gospel in our lives,
we must strengthen one another in faith.

Sow the seeds of faith, hope and love:
what you plant will yield abundant fruit.
Work for peace and justice, freedom for all;
then shall the whole world live in harmony.

Whatsoever you have done unto the least of these,
in the same way you have done unto me.
Eat this bread and drink this cup in memory of me.
When you gather in my name, I am there.

Benedictine Monks of Weston Priory – USA

Pray for the Synod

Are you witnessing or living a particular synodal experience? Do you think you have experienced a good practice and want to share it? Fill in the attached form and send it to
If your story appears to be original or considered a good practice, we will publish it in our next newsletter and who knows… maybe even in VaticanNews!

The Diocese of Aveyron (France) has launched an original proposal to celebrate a family or friends’ meal to talk about the Synod. With the participation of all the diners, each dish deals with a question related to the Church.

To know more…

And for coffee we go to Quebec, where three bishops invite us to have coffee. Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, Bishop Marc Pelchat and Bishop Martin Laliberté discuss the Synod.

To know more …


Synod is for everyone

The Society for the Latin Mass of England and Wales has developed a guide for the participation of its members.

If you want to know more…

Share your story!

Are you witnessing or living a particular synodal experience? Do you think you have experienced a good practice and want to share it? Fill in the attached form and send it to
If your story appears to be original or considered a good practice, we will publish it in our next newsletter and who knows… maybe even in VaticanNews!


Next to every diocese in the world, next to every believer and next to every other dicastery of the Roman Curia, we too, as the Dicastery for Communication, have asked ourselves how we can take up the invitation to participate in the synodal process. How can we ensure that our contribution is not simply limited to ‘amplifying the voice of the Pope’, but rather becomes an opportunity for a synodal conversion, which concerns us all? How can we rediscover ourselves as ‘members of one another’ even in a body of the Roman Curia? How can we adhere to…

Continue to read…

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

#newsletter n.01 – 01/2022 

Dear fellow travellers.

We send greetings to everyone! In this week’s newsletter, in addition to news from around the world with initiatives and celebrations related to the synodal process, we give importance to Ecumenism, in the context of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, this year with the theme: “We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him” (Mt 2:2).

Ecumenism and sinodality

The aim of the synodal process is “a hugely increased participation of the whole people of God in the life, the governance and mission of the church… If the process is successful, I think there will be a different appreciation of the Catholic Church, which will be very beneficial in the search for Christian unity.”

Bishop Brian Farrell, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in an interview to the Lutheran World Federation

Ecumenical Meeting in Austria at the end of January

At the end of 2021, the Archbishop of Salzburg (Austria), Franz Lackner OFM, informed ecumenical dialogue partners about the synodal process and asked them to join the common journey on the basis of the bond of baptism and to share synodal experiences and traditions from their own confessional tradition. To make this possible, a meeting entitled “Synodality – Ecumenical Perspectives” will be held on 31 January, with the following speeches by Serbian Orthodox Bishop Andrej Cilderzic, Protestant Evangelical Methodist pastor Mag. Dorothee Büürma, the Lutheran superintendent Mag. Olivier Dantine and the former Catholic Vicar General Mag. Martin Eisenbraun.

For more information…


Northern Portugal hosted an ecumenical celebration

On the evening of January 18, in the Basilica of the Congregates of Braga, in the north of Portugal, several dozens of Christians participated in an ecumenical celebration with the theme “Following together the star that is Jesus Christ”. Archbishop Jorge Ortiga, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Braga, said: “We are here today to become aware that the world needs unity and communion, which begins by following that star. Only then will we be able to do something so that others may also follow us”. Jorge Pina Cabral, Bishop of the Lusitanian Church, said, he hopes that new paths will open up in the synodal journey, in the ecumenical movement and in the reality of Portugal, “so that the Epiphany of Jesus Christ will continue to happen in this time”. D. Sifredo Teixeira, bishop of the Methodist Church, said that “the churches need to cooperate to relieve the afflicted and burdened, to build a more just and honest society”.

Ecumenism and synodality hand in hand

From Argentina, the journalist and priest Marcelo Figueroa, has pointed out the importance of not forgetting the ecumenical and interreligious perspectives on the of the Latin American and Caribbean Ecclesial Assembly and the future of the Church in the continent, also taking advantage of the momentum of the synodal journey. It would be important “to be united with other Christian confessions of faith through prayer and the Word of God in a practical and not merely declaratory way. In humble listening, empathy, and acceptance of the worldviews of the native peoples of this indigenous, multicultural and multilingual continent”.


Sharing creativity

This week we suggest some audiovisual materials to deepen the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with creativity:

Father Zezinho invites us to meditate with his songs “Iguais”:
“But in one thing we are the same.
We seek the same God
We love the same Father
We want the same heaven
We cry the same laments”.

Iguais – Pe. Zezinho (Feat. Coro Edipaul) Paulinas Comep, Brazil


God of life, justice and love,
we praise you for the gift of fraternity
and for granting us the grace to live communion in diversity.

Through this Ecumenical Fraternity Campaign
help us to be witnesses of the beauty of dialogue
as a commitment of love, creating bridges that unite
instead of walls that separate and generate indifference and hatred.
Make us sensible and ready to serve all humanity,
especially the poorest and most vulnerable,
that we may be witnesses of your redeeming love and share their pain and anguish,
their joys and hopes,
walking the paths of love.

Through Jesus Christ, our peace,
in the Holy Spirit, restorer of the breath of life.
* The Ecumenical Fraternity Campaign is an initiative organized every five years by the National Council of Churches of Brazil, formed by the Roman Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Confession of Brazil, the Episcopal Anglican of Brazil, the United Presbyterian, the Syrian Orthodox of Antioch and the Alliance of Baptists of Brazil.

We also recommend the sacred Oratorio SMOTRENJE “Lo sguardo” composed by Monsignor Marco Frisina, member of the Commission on Spirituality, performed on January 20, 2019 at the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, on the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.


The Synod in the world

Politicians in the diocesan phase of the Synod in Madrid

“What would you ask of the Church?”: this is the question that the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Carlos Osoro, has launched to more than twenty politicians from different parties whom he has convened in the chapter hall of the Cathedral of Almudena to participate in the diocesan phase of the Synod of Bishops.

Before giving way to the reflections of the leaders -among them, believers, and non-believers and of all the formations (Ciudadanos, Más Madrid, Podemos, PP, PSOE, Recupera Madrid and Vox)-, the Archbishop of Madrid thanked them for their good disposition and encouraged them to “build bridges”. Several local and regional leaders have valued the figure of Pope Francis and have cited the encyclical Fratelli tutti. They stressed the urgency of ensuring “respect for human dignity” and the centrality of the human being, while celebrating the work of the Successor of Peter for the care of creation or in defense of migrants.

Synodality: a possible solution in crisis situations

At the end of their Plenary Assembly, the bishops of the Central African Episcopale Conference issued a message in which they attempt to outline, in the light of synodality, some ways to find solutions to some of the country’s challenges.

Superiors of Congregations animate in the diocesan phase

The Superior General of the Daughters of Jesus, Graciela Francovig, invited all the sisters of the congregation to participate in the synodal process in the parishes because it can be a very rich moment of ecclesial collaboration.

For his part, Alberto Toutin, Superior General of the Sacred Hearts, invited his religious family to “listen to one another, so that this listening changes us, disposes us to the God who never tires of coming to meet us, through the voice of his Spirit”, within the synodal process in the different communities and works where the Congregation serves.

Listening to the voice of the poorest

The Centre Sèvres-Paris is planning a study day on 27 January on the “missionary dream of reaching out to all”. (Evangelii Gaudium 31).
Can participatory processes make this dream possible? How can listening to the poorest be a promise for the whole Church?

If you want to know more…

The program Últimas Preguntas on TVE, which is broadcasted every Sunday, is continuously monitoring the Synod. On January 16, it looked at the work being done in the different Spanish dioceses, mainly in the diocese of Palencia, which has stood out for the variety of materials offered to address the synodality in all ages.

Ecumenism and synodality

For the next newsletter, let us know your initiatives on the theme of “ecumenism and synodality” by sending the material to
Have a good unity week and a good synodal journey!

News Release – 17 January 2022

Pray for unity, pray for the synod

For the forthcoming 2022 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Cardinal Mario Grech and Cardinal Kurt Koch invite all Christians to pray for unity and to continue to journey together.
In a joint letter sent on 28 October 2021 to all bishops responsible for ecumenism, Cardinal Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Cardinal Grech, General Secretary of the Synod of the Bishops, offered suggestions aimed at implementing the ecumenical dimension of the synodal process in the local churches. The two Cardinals wrote: “Both synodality and ecumenism are processes of walking together,” the two Cardinals wrote.
The 2022 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on the theme “We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him” (Mt 2: 2) prepared by the Middle East Council of Churches, offers a propitious occasion to pray with all Christians that the Synod will proceed in an ecumenical spirit.
Reflecting on the theme, both Cardinals affirm “Like the Magi, Christians too journey together (synodos) guided by the same heavenly light and encountering the same worldly darkness. They too are called to worship Jesus together and open their treasures. Conscious of our need for the accompaniment and the many gifts of our brothers and sisters in Christ, we call on them to journey with us during these two years and we sincerely pray that Christ will lead us closer to Him and so to one another.”
The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are therefore pleased to offer this prayer inspired by the theme, which could be added to the other intentions of the Week of Prayer:
Heavenly Father,
as the Magi journeyed towards Bethlehem led by the star,
so by your heavenly light,
guide the Catholic Church to walk together with all Christians during this time of synod.
As the Magi were united in their worship of Christ,
lead us closer to your Son and so to one another,
so that we become a sign of the unity that you desire for your Church and the whole creation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Download the press release in PDF


#newsletter n.12 – 12/2021 

“We observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage” Mt 2:2


“The Synod then offers us the opportunity to become a listening Church, to break out of our routine and pause from our pastoral concerns in order to stop and listen.  To listen to the Spirit in adoration and prayer…  Finally, it offers us the opportunity to become a Church of closeness.  Let us keep going back to God’s own “style”, which is closeness, compassion and tender love.  God has always operated that way.  If we do not become this Church of closeness with attitudes of compassion and tender love, we will not be the Lord’s Church”.
(Pope Francis, 9 October 2021)

The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops wishes all its readers a Holy Christmas.

Synodal spirituality

We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover the spirituality of the Community of Sant’Egidio.


Project Gionata

Open Letter from the Volunteers of The Fionata Tent.
The letter is in Italian.
Read more…

Listening to people with disabilities

We need you! 
We invite you to send materials and good practices for the involvement of people with disabilities in the synodal process to
#ListeningToAll #NobodyExcluded

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

#newsletter n.11 – 12/2021 

Women and Synodality

Women in Synodality 

Sponsored by the Embassy of Australia to the Holy See, Georgetown University and La Civiltà Cattolica.

December 16, 2021 – 10:30 am (GMT+1)
The Webinar will be in English

Read more…

Serving the Synod: Launching a cohort of synod animators

This initiative is sponsored by Discerning Deacons, an organization that seeks to promote active discernment about women and the diaconate.
Read more… 

Returning to …

We present the final documents or interventions in their respective languages from two important meetings that have just concluded.


Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean

The documents (in Spanish only) are available here.

The 96th USG Assembly

The document are available here.


From our peripheries …

We are starting a new section in which we will present from time to time the contribution that comes to us from our ecclesial “peripheries”. 

Children of a Lesser God?

Walking together also means knowing how to apologize.

In recent days, I have personally taken the initiative to de-publish a post promoted by the reality “New Ways Ministries” for internal procedural reasons. This brought pain to the entire LGBTQ community who once again felt left out. 

I feel that I must apologize to all LGBTQ people and to the members of New Ways Ministries for the pain caused, testifying with the two contributions below the firm will – not only mine but of the entire General Secretariat of the Synod – not to exclude those who wish to carry out this synodal process with a sincere heart and a spirit of dialogue and real discernment.

Certainly, LGBTQ groups and those groups who feel they live on the ‘margins’ of the Church can direct their contributions, resources, or what they want to share with the whole people of God to

In walking together, sometimes one may fall, the important thing is to get back up with the help of the brothers and sisters. 

Thierry Bonaventura
Communication Manager of the General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops


New Ways Ministries Webinar
“From the Margins to the Center: LGBTQ Catholics and Synodality.”

The keynote speaker was Robert Choiniere, D.Min, professor of theology at Fordham University and director of adult formation at St. Francis Xavier Church, Manhattan.

Synodal spirituality

We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover Ignatian spirituality.

Listening to people with disabilities

We need you! 
We invite you to send materials and good practices for the involvement of people with disabilities in the synodal process to
#ListeningToAll #NobodyExcluded

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

#newsletter n.10 – 12/2021 

Special ‘Advent Season’

Christmas card available now!
The logo is available on the shared drive in various editable formats.

Adeste fideles

Two stories, two ideas to prepare us to welcome the Lord who comes! Click on the image and discover the two stories.

#IamChurch: voices of our brothers and sisters with disabilities
The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life is launching the #IamChurch campaign: 5 videos in which persons with disabilities, from different parts of the world, recount their experience of faith and affirm, “I am Church!”
Starting on December 6, the videos will be available on the YouTube channels of Vatican News and the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life and will be published weekly.

Baptism makes each one of us a fully-fledged member of the ecclesial community and gives each one, without exclusion or discrimination, the possibility of exclaiming, “I am Church!” The Church, indeed, is your home! We, all together, are Church because Jesus has chosen to be our friend. 
(Pope Francis, Message on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities – 3 December 2021)


From the Archdiocese of Newark (US), a series of recommendations and resources to facilitate the synodal journey of brothers and sisters with disabilities. Thank you, dear friends of Newark!
Document in English – Site available in several languages.

Share your story!

COVID-19 & synodality: the Auckland Champions

An example of good practice – In the Diocese of Auckland, the synodal process is taking place in close isolation. More than 200 people have participated in information sessions with zoom to become Synod Champions. Two young adults made this simple video in a style that speaks to both young people and adults to encourage participation.

Are you witnessing or living a particular synodal experience? Do you think you have experienced a good practice and want to share it? Fill in the attached form and send it to
If your story appears to be original or considered a good practice, we will publish it in our next newsletter and who knows… maybe even in VaticanNews!

The Synod in the world: a new site

We continue to receive from all over the world photos, videos, … showing the great creativity of our communities.
Be inspired by visiting the new site:

Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean
(Mexico City, 21-28 November 2021)

This week was marked by this Ecclesial Assembly on the theme All of us are outgoing missionary disciplesFind out more about this important Church event. 

The text on Discernment is available in English.

Listening to people with disabilities

We need you! 
We invite you to send materials and good practices for the involvement of people with disabilities in the synodal process to
#ListeningToAll #NobodyExcluded

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

#newsletter n.9 – 11/2021 

Share your story!

Are you witnessing or living a particular synodal experience? Do you think you have experienced a good practice and want to share it? Fill in the attached form and send it to
If your story appears to be original or considered a good practice, we will publish it in our next newsletter and who knows… maybe even in VaticanNews!

We are all in the one boat!

The Synodal Pathway launch in Dublin: a diocesan story
Taking the image of the boat as mentioned in the official preparatory documents the liturgical space within the Cathedral was shaped in the form of a boat. The bow of the boat  faced towards the Cathedral door emphasising mission and outreach to the peripheries.
Read the full story.

Synodal spirituality

We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover the Franciscan spirituality

“The process of discernment never starts from abstract questions (at the table), but from concrete provocations of life, from inspirations and thoughts that arise in the encounter between the needs and provocations of life and the sincere and deep desire to be pleasing to God and to do his will.”.
(From the Franciscan Spirituality by fr. Giulio Cesareo, OFM Conv)

The Synod in the world

We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities.

“Pray, reflect, discuss and share your experiences, insights and desires. Do it with the freedom of those who piace their trust in God and are thus able to overcome timidity, a sense of inferiority or worse stili, reproaches and complaints, Let it be done in all simplicity, moved by the Holy Spirit, avoiding arrogance, without presumption but always having a sense of co-responsibility”.
(From the letter of Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, 23 July 2021)

Listening to people with disabilities

We need you! 
We invite you to send materials and good practices for the involvement of people with disabilities in the synodal process to
#ListeningToAll #NobodyExcluded

Feel like singing?

By popular demand, we offer you the Hymn of the Synodal Way of India with the lyrics so that you too can sing …
At the top of your lungs!

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

#newsletter n.8 – 20/2021 

For a synodal Church:

the contribution of Consecrated Life

From 24 to 26 November, the Union of Superiors General (USG) – the international organisation of Superiors General of men’s Religious Institutes or Societies of Apostolic Life – will hold its 96th General Assembly focusing mainly on Consecrated Life and Synodality (see programme).

As we await the results of their discussions, let us invoke the Spirit of the Lord to enlighten their work. Have a good synodal meeting!

Synodal spirituality

We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover the Salesian spirituality.

“Listening, sincere and open dialogue, discernment in the Holy Spirit, prayer, planning and shared formation can foster a journey “together” and the construction of an inclusive “we” in view of the mission.

The Synod in the world

We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities.

“To ensure that the synodal church is not a mirage, but rather a dream to be realized, it is necessary to dream together, to pray together, and to work together ”.

(From the letter of Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, 23 July 2021)

Synod on Synodality – All You Need to Know

Directly from our brothers and sisters in India a nice video (only in English) which explain what is the Synod on Synodality. 

The Goose Game: a teamwork

Finally, the English version of the Goose Game proposed by the diocese of Palencia (Spain) is now available in French, Italian, Portuguese, and Dutch too thanks to all who have collaborated. Click here to download the game.

General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops

Card. Grech to the Bishops of USCCB

Press Communiqué of the Secretariat General for the Synod of Bishops

Vatican City, 18 November 2021

On the occasion of the USCCB Fall General Assembly, Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General for the Synod of Bishops sent a video-message to the US bishops gathering in these day in Baltimore.

“Do not be afraid to tell us frankly what you have gathered from listening to your people about what the Spirit is saying to the Church: to your Church and to the whole Church” Cardinal Grech told the US Bishops. “In this logic of the exchange of gifts among the Churches, every contribution to the understanding of the Synodal Church is important. Contrary to what many assume, there are no written conclusions; there is no desire to impose a line of thinking. There is a willingness to listen to the Spirit in listening to one another. Nor do we think that there are positions that are worth more than others. The will of the Secretariat is to encourage listening at all levels of the life of the Church and to itself engage in this process of listening in order to discover the voice of the Living God”

After deepening the meaning of sinodality which needs “an authentic ethic of listening” and “demands a willingness on the part of all to give up strongly held positions and goals, and to adopt a culture of dialogue and collective decision making”, the Secretary General for the Synod focused on the theological category of the People of God stressing the importance of the “reciprocity of relationship.”

Card. Grech concluded his video message by mentioning the five nationwide Encuentro experiences as a best practice. The primary objective the Encuentro was “to discern pastoral practices and priorities in order to improve the quality of ministry among Hispanic/Latino Catholics, under the leadership of the U.S. Bishops”

See the Video (ENGLISH ONLY)
Transcription of the Video-Message of Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General for the Synod of Bishops to the Bishops of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops gathering in Baltimore for their General Assembly (English Version – Italian Version – Spanish Version)

Feel like singing?
 Listen to a synod hymn by artist Merlin Dsouza, one of India’s leading music directors, composer and pianist, has a wide range of work in theatre, concerts, films (Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham).
Find out more about Merlin Dsouza and … sing with her!

Promoting a time of listening and discernment

Synodal Reports

Wanting to share a brief report with all synodal “fathers and mothers”, look at the example of the Church in Laos and Cambodia!

Pray for the Synod

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope and UISG, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it… 

#newsletter n.7 – 10/2021 

The ecumenical dimension

of the synodal process

In a joint letter of 28 October 2021, Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Cardinal Mario Grech, General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, addressed the Bishops responsible for ecumenism in their Episcopal Conferences and Synods of the Oriental Catholic Churches.

The two Cardinals trust that the “ecumenical dimension of the synodal process will promote both synodality and Christian unity so that ‘all may believe’ (John 17,21)”.

“Indeed, both synodality and ecumenism are processes of ‘walking together’ ”. In fact, “as ecumenism can be understood as an ‘exchange of gifts’, one of the gifts Catholics can receive from the other Christians is precisely their experience and understanding of synodality”.
(From the letter of cardinals Grech and Koch)

The Synod in the world

We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities. Be inspired: come and see!

Synod and Synodality: Theological Approaches New Course at the Pontifical Gregorian University

The synodal process also challenges theology to deepen what is a “constitutively synodal Church”, in order to integrate visions and skills, experiences and concerns, tradition and readings to the “signs of the times”. 

The Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Gregorian University is launching a course on “synod” and “synodality”. In 12 meetings, the professors will address the topic from different angles. 

The aim  is to create a wide space for listening and sharing among the participants, both in the classroom and online, thus implementing the synodal process and developing a truly synodal style in theology.

Synodal spirituality

We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover the Benedictine spirituality. 

“The practice of listening “with the ear of the heart” sets in motion a pathway to authentic discernment of the will of God.”

General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops

Extension of the deadline of first phase of the synodal Process

Press Communiqué of the Secretariat General for the Synod of Bishops

Vatican, 29 October 2021
The numerous communications we have received in these first weeks of the synodal process from the Episcopal Conferences, dioceses and eparchies are truly an encouraging confirmation of those in the Church who are committed to celebrating the first phase of the synodal process — the theme of which is For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission — constituted by the consultation of the People of God. For all this we are truly grateful.
 During this period, we have heard, over and over again and from many quarters, the request to extend the duration of the first phase of the synodal process in order to provide a greater opportunity for the people of God to have an authentic experience of listening and dialogue.
Aware that a synodal Church is a Church that listens, considering that this first phase is essential for this synodal path and evaluating these requests, and always seeking the good of the Church, the Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops has decided to extend until August 15, 2022 the deadline for the presentation of the summaries of the consultations by the Episcopal Conferences, the Oriental Catholic Churches sui iuris and other ecclesial bodies.


The Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops has decided to extend until August 15, 2022 the deadline for the presentation to the General Secretariat of the Bishops of the summaries of the consultations by the Episcopal Conferences, the Oriental Catholic Churches sui iuris and other ecclesial bodies.

Augustinian Spirituality (Unitas in Caritas)
Fr. Joseph Farrell, OSA, Vicar General

Dominican Spirituality
Fr. Benjamin Earl, OP, Procurator General

#newsletter n.6 – 10/2021 

As we walk together,

together we learn…


Consultation of the People of God
In addition to the official documents of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops (Preparatory Document and Vademecum) now available in several other languages, there are several episcopal conferences, dioceses and ecclesial bodies that have developed their own tools and methodologies to promote an authentic participatory and inclusive listening time. 

This is the case of the Leadership Roundtable (United States), the PastaTalk of the diocese of Lucerne (Switzerland) or the tools developed by the diocese of Palencia (Spain) to teach synodality among children. More examples are available here.

Pray for the Synod

The Synod is first and foremost a spiritual experience. In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod. From 2 November, you too can send your prayer. See how to do it... 

Synodal Spirituality

We continue our journey to discover the spirituality of the different religious families, associations and ecclesial movements. Today we invite you to discover Augustinian and Dominican spirituality. 

The Synod in the world

We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities.
Be inspired: come and see!

#newsletter n.5 – 10/2021 

The Synod in the world
We continue to receive pictures, videos, … from all over the world showing the great creativity of our communities.
Be inspired: come and see!

I want to say again that the Synod is not a parliament or an opinion poll; the Synod is an ecclesial event and its protagonist is the Holy Spirit.
If the Spirit is not present, there will be no Synod.

(Pope Francis, Address of 09.10.2021) 

Pray for the Synod
The Synod is first and foremost a spiritual experience. Without the support of the Holy Spirit, discernment risks falling into ideology, at the mercy of emotions or passing trends. It is the Spirit who ensures the goodness of community discernment at the basis of the Sensus Fidei.

In order to support the synodal journey and ask for the Spirit’s assistance, together with the World Network of Prayers of the Pope, we have set up a website in 5 languages: Church on the Way. Pray for the Synod

Help us support the synod with prayer by contacting your local monastic community and handing them the Second Letter of Cardinal Mario Grech to the monastic communities.
Of course you are all invited to send your prayer intentions. Thanks to the RSS feed, you will be able to integrate Prayforthesynod into your site. See how to do it… 

Listening, you say?
We continue our in-depth study of listening in monastic communities. Today we present the video of the Carmelite sisters of the Monastery of Our Lady of Brazzaville (Democratic Republic of Congo). Three generations tell us how to pray and listen in a community.

Suggestions for the synodal path: Synodal Spirituality

On 1 July 2021, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops organised an international study day on the theme of Spiritualities for Synodality. Representatives of different religious families and lay movements were invited to share experiences and reflections of their own spirituality and to gather their views and practices for a spirituality of synodality and community discernment.
The aim was also to initiate a process to elaborate a vision of a spirituality of synodality and best practices that could help the synodal process for the synod.

We will periodically publish contributions from this day’s work.
We begin today with a small contribution from James Grummer SJ, of the Department of Spirituality at the Pontifical Gregorian University.

#newsletter n.4 – 10/2021 

To all of you who participated, in presence or from a distance, in the events of the Opening of the Synodal Process, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops wishes a joyful and festive opening of this synodal time in your dioceses.

To the continental, national and diocesan contact persons, we wish strength for you work and assure you the support of our prayers. Send us your videos, photos, … of the opening to at or via whatsapp at +39 351 9348474.
And don’t forget to use the following tags
#synod #listeningchurch #walkingtogether

To the members of the commissions of the General Secretariat goes our heartfelt thanks for your hard work.
Although the path is long and hidden, it will also be full of beautiful surprises. 
Thank you for your service!

Press Kit

DOWNLOAD all the information concerning the opening of the synodal process (9-10 October 2021)

#newsletter n.3 – 10/2021 

Opening of the Synodal Journey

Pope Francis will officially open the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican with the celebration of the Eucharist at St Peter’s Basilica (Sunday 10 October), preceded by a moment of reflection in the Synod’s New Hall (Saturday 9 October).

Click to read the programme for the Moment of Reflection on Saturday 9 October.

Saturday’s plenary session and Sunday’s Holy Mass will be broadcast live by Vatican Media.


Communication Toolkit

The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops provides a series of elements to promote participation and communication around the Synodal Journey of the Church.

Through this Google Drive link it will be possible to download a series of templates for posters, leaflets, prayer, presentation powerpoints….

Special Social Media Toolkit

The “Young Social Network Facilitators”, a project of the Media Commission in cooperation with the Dicastery for Communication, have developed a colourful Social Media Toolkit.
We recommend that you read their “Official Guide to Content Creation and Digital Accompaniment” carefully before jumping straight into templates. Happy reading.

#newsletter n.2 – 09/2021 Available also in FR – IT – ES

Liturgical Suggestions to celebrate
the Opening of the Synod in the local Churches

We offer some clarifications on the objectives of the Liturgical Celebration to open the diocesan phase of the synodal journey together with some ideas and general suggestions for its implementation and animation.

We present some suggestions on the role of the Bishops’ Conference in the diocesan phase; its objectives in the synodal process; the synodal meeting of the Bishops’ Conference and much more – Resource for Episcopal Conferences.

On Saturday, 18 September, Pope Francis met and gave a memorable address to the faithful of the diocese of Rome on synodality and the meaning of the synodal path. Full speech available only in Italian or Read the VaticanNews article

Download the 
Preparatory Document (Dokumen Persediaan) for the synodal journey in Bahasa Malaysia.

#newsletter n.1 – 09/2021 – Available also in FR – IT – PT – ES


The Church of God is convened in Synod: a time of listening, dialogue and discernment that the whole Church intends to carry out over the next two years in order to better respond to its mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the entire world. These Litterae communionis (Letters of Communion) of the General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops want to resume the ancient Christian tradition of sending epistolae among the Churches as an instrument of sharing and communion.

Accompanying this journey of the Church in a synodical manner also means informing and sharing the joys, hopes and good practices of our communities. So: Set out on the road too and share this newsletter with your friends!


Download the 
Preparatory Document for the synodal journey!

Download the guide for listening and discernment

Simplified version of the prayer Adsumus Sancte Spiritus

Synod of Bishops will begin in the local Churches

In October, Pope Francis will open a three-year synodal journey with three phases (diocesan, continental, universal) of consultations and discernment, culminating with the assembly in October 2023 in Rome.

For further information, visit: